September 2023
Featured Articles

KMPUD Chipping Program
Firewise Workday
 Fire Department Special Tax Measure E and Next Steps
Notice of Special District Election

KMPUD Chipping Program

The District is pleased to announce our annual residential roadside chipping program for all Kirkwood residents is scheduled to occur Tuesday September 19th -Tuesday September 26th.
To participate in the Chipping Program:
Stack cut brush and limbs up to 4 inches in diameter within 5 feet of the road edge, with cut end facing the road, no higher than 4 feet.

  • Pile chipping material in windrows like firewood, not heaped like a beaver dam and please keep materials free of mud, rocks, wire or other items.
  • Please do not stack in the road, next to fire hydrants, culverts or in any way that will impede traffic on the road.
  • No building debris, natural material only.
  • Materials that cannot be chipped for any reason, including incorrectly stacked materials, will not be removed.
  • All chipped material will be returned to the homeowner’s property.
  • Piles established after Monday September 25th will not be chipped.


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the District at (209) 258-4444.


Kirkwood Firewise Community Workday

Title here

On behalf of Kirkwood Firewise, we would like to thank everyone who came out to work on 9/4/22, our second Kirkwood Community Workday! We are especially grateful to KMA for partnering with us and providing the work site! The event included a literature table, waiver forms, defensible space instructions, snacks and refreshments. Our goal for this year’s community workday was to remove branches and limbs of trees encroaching on KMA roadways. We divided into teams and went to work focusing on Wintergreen Way and Yarrow Place roads – completing the entire area in less than 3 hours! Our efforts helped make this little corner of the Kirkwood Valley a little safer and defensible from wildfire. Plus, the opportunity brought 20+ people, from multiple HOAs, together to work side-by-side and become more acquainted! Please take a moment to check out our impressive work – from roadside tree limbing, to many bags of green waste debris, to many more piles of branches for chipping! Kudos to ALL!


Fire Department Special Tax Measure E and Next Steps

Recently the District held a Special Election known as “Measure E” to ask the community to vote for, or against, establishing a special tax to help fund the Kirkwood Volunteer Fire Department. If you are not already aware, Measure E did not pass. As a response to this. During the August 11th KMPUD Board meeting. The Board created a Temporary Fire Advisory Committee and asked Director Doug Mitarotonda and Director Bertrand Perroud to solicit Community feedback and comments on Measure E along with considering next steps in finding appropriate funding to support our volunteer fire department. To see more information about Measure E and to review the voting results, please go to


Notice of Special District Election

The Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District (KMPUD) Board of Directors Election will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. This election is for two Directors for Seats 1 and 2 for term of office 12/1/23-12/03/27. All registered voters in Kirkwood will receive a ballot in the mail. Whether you live on the Amador County or the Alpine County side of the Valley, ballots can be returned to the Alpine County Clerk via mail or at the ballot drop box located at the Alpine County Clerk’s Office at 99 Water Street in Markleeville, CA. Ballots that are returned by mail must be postmarked on or before Election Day. Ballots received after Election Day with a valid post mark will be counted and added to the final tally. Voters can also vote in person at the Alpine County Clerk’s Office on election day. Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The Alpine County Clerk handles all KMPUD elections. Please do not return your ballot to Amador County. If you would like to register to vote, follow this link: For more information about the election and candidates please go to

We thank everyone in the valley for their continued support!



KMPUD Board of Directors:
Bob Epstein, President
 John Schroeder, Vice-President
Doug Mitarotonda, Treasurer
Peter Dornbrook, Secretary
Bertrand Perroud, Assistant Secretary 
Website: Phone: (209) 258-4444 Email:
Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer


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